- Possum Place has a mix of qualified and experienced educators who develop warm, respectful relationships with children and families to provide a quality service.
- QA4 has two standards considering the organisation and professionalism of educators, staff and management. At Possum Place all stakeholders have developed professional and collaborative relationships. We work together for continuous improvement which results in improved learning experiences and outcomes for children. Rostering of staff is carefully considered with regard to qualifications, experiences, primary caregivers being available for age groups and first aid.
- Educators have opportunities to engage in professional development to support their existing roles and identify areas for improvement with regard to knowledge and practice.
- Educators work collaboratively to support and guide each other; evidenced through debriefing, sharing ideas and engaging in pedagogical conversations.
- The regulatory environment that we work in provide a range of documents to support our practice and in particular the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics is one such respected document. http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ECA-COE-Brochure-2016.pdf