Tadpoles (0-2 years): $95 per day
Starfish (2-3 years): $90 per day
Turtles (3-4 years): $90 per day
Whales (4-5 years): $90 per day
Fees can be paid by cash, cheque, EFTPOS at the Centre or deposited into our account through Internet banking.
Our bank account details for direct deposit are:
BSB: 062 565
Account: 1067 7133
Reference: [Your child’s name]
Fees are charged for all days booked including Public Holidays and absences due to sickness and holidays. Fees must be current at all times. The Director reserves the right to terminate a child’s placement should fees fall into arrears. If you are experiencing financial difficulties at a particular time, please consult the Director, who will endeavor to assist you.
Two weeks written notice is required if you wish to withdraw your child from the Centre.